Monday, October 4, 2021

Con Fusion

         I face Jungle Clusterfuck WITHOUT  Chainsaw & Chipper,  armed with just 2 "Brush Axes" from the Days of Paul Bunyan and his blue ox Babe.  I MAY have well over ONE HUNDRED Texts on Taoism, and Buddhism, not to mention Dr. Carl Jung's Princeton-Bollingen Series, as well as Dr. Joseph Campbell's Mythological Works.  `Daunt` I say   and dare I shout        `WHELM`   ?????    I do.

       Modern Day Land Clearing aint-gonna "Cut it"    nor is Robert Pirsig's  Zen and..... .

       Nope.  Neither one.  There's gotta-be a Somethin else.

        But what ?

        Plus,    "Marc aint from `Around Here` "  -----  I mean     there's THAT.


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