Thursday, October 7, 2021


         So Important is the name Zildjian and with it the X-PENSE I decided to buy a used 16 inch "Ride".  Drum kit cymbals are of the Ride, Crash and Hi-Hat Variety.  This particular had SERIOUS Age to it but all I wanted was the "Zildjian" letters to feature PROMINENTLY.  It was/IZ Perfectly suited to my Mental Needs. AND of course the "Price Was Right" .

        Because the UNConscious BOLDFACED the name    ZILDJIAN       I KNEW that IT housed or encapsulated the Meaning of  "I need new Symbols".  I went to Google.   Ethnicity first >>  Armenian and Turkish.   Well HELLL-O .   CLEARLY Mediterranean, above the Sahara for sure---Armenia East of Turkey --Turkey at the EASTERN-MOST EDGE of the Med. Sea.  But then there was this AFRICAN Kick.........  Turkey sorta MEANS Ottoman Empire yet in the BEFORE of Before, there was PERSIAN Domination, which makes Armenia and Turkey   >>  Dominions.     I have but ONE text on Persian Mythology it is Persian Mythology by John R. Hinnells ( 2 nn's  2 ll's).  Not good  but not BAD neither.

Remember, the Cambers are like High School cymbals, I had these Cambers bc that's all I could afford.  They did QUITE Well in Those Days, Now they need to be Retired.  The Cambers r-outta West Germany and represent,in THIS Dream, the Rationality and Mythology of the Western Mind.  You can see that Jildjian is  a   `Something` of VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAst Difference.  Here the word 'Eastern carries GREAT Significance as does the Locations of Armenia and Turkey--both once connected by PERSIAN Influence.   I'd been trying to work with Western Images in order to present Marc's Wirk  (He puts the IRK in Wirk).  Lame at best, at worst CRIPPLING.  "A Picture is worth a THOUSAND Words"  Symbols the same, PLUS, Symbols have PSYCHOLOGICAL WEIGHT, Mind Weight, sometimes viewed properly as GRAVITY.

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