Thursday, October 7, 2021

Reign Delay

         On the night of October 4th I had a Dream ~~  I'm-gonna title it The Drum Solo Cymbal Dream.

                                                                          Part 1

  It was early afternoon after a heavy downpour, I was playing Music in Concert fashion, apparently I was giving a Concert for all my neighbors---sorta a "block party" thing.  I was lookin to get my drum kit ready for a solo the neighbors expected, problem was, my ancient Camber cymbals were bangedup, dull, bent and SERIOUSLY damaged.  One was curled at the edge from being dropped.  Thing is I NEEDED those cymbals for my solo.  I found my hi-hats--they weren't far from being utterly useless and I had only one drum stick--a "Jo-Jo" 5B.   Kwik search, found the 2nd saturated by `left-outdoors` stupidity and laziness.  There wouldn't be a solo because I needed new cymbals and as this thought registered so did the name Zildjian, the HIGHEST END Brand in the Universe.  Costly doesn't approach it--Unimaginable does.

        When I awoke I KNEW EXACTLY what the Dream Meant ::  I NEEDED NEW SYMBOLS

        The Book had to have NEW Symbols, Space Age Hieroglyphs if necessary, ALIEN Symbols if 'Need' make it BE.  

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