Saturday, October 2, 2021

Hoopla Perplexic

        One of  The Ten Super-Powers Of The Bodhisattva  is, "[Being capable of] Employing all Vehicles but never abandoning the Mahayana".  Besides Zen, the Mahayana supplies The Path of the Bodhisattva as a Vehicle to attain Enlightenment.  It is COMPASSION which Defines this Path.  I gotta be Honest, I'm NOT a Fan.  I carry Steel.  You can see the Problem.  I have maintained what I tag, 'Samurai Arrogance' since my Beginning Study of Sword.  Believe it or don't, SWIMMING is considered a Martial Art.  Anyone see THAT coming ?  I sure didn't.  I swam D-1 for U. Conn.  My Backstroke Times were in the Highest National Percentage.  You want Arrogance ??  I got your Arrogance RITE HERE.    But I digress.

         Master Fortin, in his Manual For KUDK Instructors, under the Topic, "What is Kwan Um Do Kwang ?" ,,  issues this irritating [to me] Perplexity,,, "Perceiving Sound is Compassion".   I don't know about YOU but this sure reads as WTF Hoopla.  I checked other locations of "Perceive Sound" mainly because Zen Master Seung Sahn Founded the Kwan Um School of Zen, rite here in Providence Rhode Island.  He modified Perceive Sound to Perceive WORLD Sound but when I got to the explanation of THAT I was once again peevishly irritated by the words of Some One who had somehow been infected by Master Fortin's Hoopla Perpelexic.   How in the fuck do you get from Perceiving Sound to Perceiving World Sound is Compassion ????  "Inquiring minds want to know".


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