Monday, October 18, 2021


        The Latin supplies  "spiritus"  literally,  "breath" .  Merriam and Webster impose, "... an animating or vital principal held to give life to physical organisms".  We have been exposed to the so-called "Breath of Life",  [a] `That` which the 'Maker Of All Things', 'gave' to Adam according to Moses's Genesis.  I mean, it's something but clearly, for my measure, rue-fully inadequate.  Remember Kidz, I `divine` BOULDERS to possess INCALCULABLE Spirit, the Spirit of Time Immemorial, a Spirit of TRANSCENDENTAL Wisdom, that only Duration can Sanction as Un-Tell-able Reality.  Understand  'telling'  to be "carrying great weight and producing marked effect".         Yup          THAT.

 There can be NO justification for employing 'Breath' to valuate an Existence of Profound Im-Movability.  How can it be, then, that Martial Arts is said to be of Spiritual Refinement ?   Soldiers and Warriors are said to Possess the so-called "Fighting Spirit".  Indeed, both Tenacity and Ferocity are regarded as abject Aspects of a "Spirited Nature".  Great Fighters as well as Great Men are said to Possess SPIRIT in    V----A----S----T    Quantity, a CLEARLY Recognizable VIRTUE that Signals Devotion, Commitment and SACRIFICE.   

Exactly how did THAT shit  'get there'  ?????



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