Monday, October 4, 2021

Welcome to Jungle Clusterfuck

         Amidst the spittle and ripped-put flecks of stomach lining there were images of Topics Under Consideration, among them, `The Zen of  Modern Day Land Clearing`.  I needed a Trope that would `act` as Plot Thread, a Something around which a Narrative could be woven in a far-fetched Similarity to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle, Pirsig's Masterpiece of Meta-Physics.  As my stomach and esophagus self-shredded I wondered about the efficacy of such an esoteric paradigm.  I mean I'm 'good', as in, "At-least-he's- Mastered-All-Aspects-of-Modern-Day-Land-Clearing", but was I really THAT 'Good' ?  

Prahblee not.


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