Tuesday, October 26, 2021


         A Freak is born unto Mr. and Mrs. Walker.  At 10 years old, he still remains Deaf, Dumb and Blind.  Fate, Karma, and Destiny intervene, better expressed as INTERVENE, one day.  Tommy 'receives' an Inner Vision of himself as Ordained Master of the [Inner] Universe, that of Tommy's OWN.  This event occurs early in the Opera only 4 Songs in.  In the "Amazing Journey"  the Words lyric a non-apparent Cozmic Absolute  =  "SimpleNess   will surely take the mind where minds don't usually go".   Tommy is, by every STANDARD MEANS, a "Simpleton", being definitive because he is Deaf, Dumb and Blind,,,  the so-called Mute.  Sad I am to tag him as MUTE-Tation.  Parental Concern has already been established with the Pleading Cry of "What about the boy" .   Distraught hardly approaches the Idealized HopelessNess of Tommy' most Public  plight as "The Great Excluded".  His Mom (?)  Listens to "The Hawker's" Horizon of Indelicate Attribution of  Female Finality, i.e., the Promise of Orgasmal Oblivion  --------> "Awakening" <----------  Resulting . " 'Ho' lee PHUCK  he may be RITE "  gets us to Appreciation's  "Almost There", where 'there' is his Mom's receptivity to TRY anything in order to Free her son from the External Closet of Hyper-Static Autism.  


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