Friday, October 29, 2021

Ass Id

         I would LOVE to exercize authorial perogative and describe the Acid Queen with LSD 'attributes' thereby making the "Amazing Journey an Acid "Trip".  Scholastic imperative denies me this option.  We MUST ask, "Why is Gypsy the Acid Queen ?"  We understand acid to be a Corrosive Agent, but in this context,, What is being corroded ?   The answer is not obscure.  Gypsy victories Accomplisment by addressing [He is] "Young but not a child".  [Her] Sex has corroded ALL Aspects of Purity, the so-called 'Innocence of Youth' thereby rendering Tommy as one of the Experienced.  Further, Gypsy PRIDES, "I'll tear your soul apart."  The corrosion of Purity is NOT cataclysmically Destructive, quite the opposite.  The COZMIC Corrosion of Earthly Purity FREES Tommy from All That Bind Us to Earth allowing the Amazing Journey to position us in the Celestial Realm of Cozmic Oneness.  She defends herself, "Your mind must learn to roam."  Clearly her Success was Worth the "Pay before we start".

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