Monday, October 4, 2021

Marble Plain Plane


        I awoke from a dream in which I and 2 helpers were doing a RR Tie job, but a few of the ties were "punked-out", rotten that is, and so had to be cleaned.  It was a fairly straight-forward operation except for the questions asked by my assistants.  Once I'd set them to task I found myself at a MEGA-Wall about halfway up, in a rock scaling "Free Climb".  I got to the Edge and there was a GIANT'S SLAB at my left shoulder.  For reason "Whatever" I somehow managed to topple it backward onto the shelf.  As it fell I realized I could be crushed from its bounce. I didn't get crushed, just wedged.  I looked out,  it was a Polished Marble Plain---absolutely EXQUISITE.  I had to descend and further realized that IT would be TORTUOUSLY Dangerous.  No options.....  I had to foot-feel my way  Down---  As I did so, hand-holds appeared before me.

        The Upper Realm was CLEANLY Magnificent BUT it was fucking IMPOSSIBLE to remain there.  I had to descend in order to Present Its Beauty to Others.  My UnConscious supplied "Don't Worry---as you descend Knowledge and Form will appear to Aid you".

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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