Monday, October 18, 2021

Cyn City

         Yesterday, I chalked the word  'Spiritual'  up-onto the Thought Wall.  In the Description I use to Define the True Nature of Martial Arts,  'Spiritual'   is the Feature Prominence.   "The Study of Martial Arts is for Spiritual Reinforcement'  .....  so it is that I must define Spiritual as well as "Reinforcement" if Clarity is to be achieved, a Clarity that promotes [an] Understanding that can lead to Apprehension.   

        Merriam and Webster's rendition of 'Spiritual' is woefully inadequate, it took less than a few seconds to realize I'd hafta devise a more penetrative bore into a Mass that 'looks the world' to be Mysterious at best, at worst, Magically Bewildering.  Don't get me rwong, I have tagged myself as an Intellectual Barbarian but that Tag is barely the ha lf of  `it` .  I consider myself an Ausura Bewilder-Beast, whose emotional inclemency generates a profound Hatred for Superficiality and a Devout Cynicism that harbors an Intellectual Nihilism that, when unleashed, savagely Ravages Good-Ness.   Here it is where Truth defies Meaning.

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