Thursday, October 7, 2021

Current See

         I'm gonna race through the Interpretation.  I have something like 40 or so blogs in drafts in a sorta Course assemblage.  In this particular Interpretation I used just Gestalt techniques, a kind- of "Speed Reading" 'operation' that MAY not get to everything but DOES achieve modest depth Understanding.  I spent the better parts of Yesterday in Gestalt Suspension~~~ using the Thought Wall as Mind-Mirror.  Listen kidz this Process, the Operation of Gestalt, is time consuming and CAN be laborious as well.  No matter---if you NEED `Kwik` Results  Gestalt is the Operation to employ.  Just so you know, when you 'do' Gestalt ,,  EVERYTHING IN THE DREAM IS YOU .   That means EVERY SINGLE ITEM.   

        Why naked ?     Reality as the Naked truth.   I em-body-d the Truth, as does a Tibetan Dakini.

        Why Bank ?   To get currency  which in UnConscious Speak is  Current SEE.   

        Why Music Store ?  To buy the cymbals I needed      Here, cymbals MEAN Symbols

     I needed NEW Symbols to help me with expressing Marc's Cloud Speak in READABLE Form.  For instance, I need a Symbol to express "both things at the exact same time".  Here's another :  The INSTANTANEOUS meld of Opposites in the form of "Mutual Interpenetration"--- an example of Buddhist (my) Quantum Mechanics.  George Carlin said it best, "If I don't see'um I make'm up".  Sage - fucking GENIUS Sage.



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