Saturday, October 2, 2021

"All Beings before me"

         Perceiving World Sound is that which is accorded to Kwan Seum Bosal "He who hears the Suffering of the World".  Kwan Seum Bosal is Korean >>for Avalokiteshvara<< Who is the Preeminent AWESOME in Mahayana Buddhism for He has chosen NOT to Enter Nirvana until ALL Beings Enter before Him.  His Devotion can be delivered in just FOUR Words, "All Beings before me."  Sit a moment and let that Enter your Being.

A Bodhisattva is like a Christian Saint---------------------sorta.  Kwan Seum Bosal is Revered and Venerated for His Loving Compassion, His singular DEVOTION to the Spiritual Well Being of ALL OTHERS.  I am gonna tag this 'Devotion to the Spiritual Well Being of Others' with COMPASSION:  since this Compassion is Manifested as AUDITORY EMPATHY, and to achieve this Identical is to be ONE with Kwan Seum Bosal, 'Perceiving Sound' can now be seen (heard) as THE Identifying Characteristic of "Kwan Um".  Perceiving the Sound of Others' [Suffering] LEADS to becoming ONE with Them and Their Suffering.  At THIS JUNCTURE there is an Abandonment of Self AND Ego which then allows for [or Promotes] the Advance Toward Enlightenment.  Check it >>  Perceive Sound BE Enlightened.  I mean, like, OUCH .



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