Thursday, October 14, 2021

Mindful Mindlessness

         I'm figurin' it this way :::    Seated Meditation, whose Focus is the Mental Execution of learned      Sword Forms,, `works` in such a Manner as to SUPPLANT 'Thinking', which I have elsewhere tagged as  Disabling  the  Thought  Mechanism,  (a)  that  which  `generates`  thoughts in our   'every-day' MINDLESS 'way'.  The Primary Consideration is FOCUS, since Mental Activity is as natural as Breathing,  Indeed, Thoughts ARE `Mind's Breathing`, at least as far as I can see.  The Sensation of Every-Day Thoughts is experienced as Chaos, Tumult and Turbulence  ==   the Confusion of WTH  fully AMPLIFIED by Emotional (Psychological) Attachments.  The Whole Deal with Meditation (anyway) is the Suspension of Thinking which then promotes a Tranquility (when you get it Right) that itself Re-Stable-izes the Ego-Self in the Manner of Balance, Orientation and Trajectory.   You AINT `gettin to the Upper Realms' by wondering, "What's for breakfast ?"  THAT'S for goddamn SURE .  No and FUCK NO !  The Mind must be 'Tamed' in order to get fucking ANYWHERE, where 'Anywhere' is a Harmonic `Latitude` of Stillness.  I use 'latitude' to image `horizontality` (pronounced hori-zon-tality) that of Ocean Wave Dynamism.  I must save 'Longitude' to depict the Penetrative `Action` of 'Delve' and Introspection.  I'm going for an Aesthetic to enhance VOLUME and Motion that of Mental Activity and its Opposite > Stillness  (Calm).  Remember, BOTH Exist at the EXACT SAME TIME.  

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