Thursday, October 14, 2021

"Quantum" Do Kwang

         Marc rhetoricals,  [from the transitive verb, to ask rhetorical questions]  "What is 'Mind Sword' ? ".   Mind Sword is Seated Meditation whose Focus is the Mental Execution of the Sword Forms that have been committed to Muscle Memory but not yet Mind Memorization.  In Kwan Um Do Kwang, (which Tim gagged as "Quantum Do Kwang") ,,  as in Shim Gum Do  --   Seated Meditation of Sword Forms is HALF the Study Experience of both these Disciplines.  Mind Sword is primarily a Mechanical Operation.  The Objective Goal of Mind Sword is the Suspension of the Thinking Mind, which then produces Mental Clarity, a Clarity that fully sensates Emptiness, which, in turn, `uncloaks` a harmonic 'Oneness'.  This shit don't just `happen` 'over nite'.  Sitting Zen (Doing Mind Sword) is NOT 'natural' to the Western Body OR the Western Mind.  Foreign it is, and systematically Rigorous.  I was Blessed and MOST Fortunate to have learned while residing in a Zen Temple.  As far as Early Morning Excitation was involved with MEEE personally, doing the 108 Full Prostrations and the Chanting that preceded the Sitting was CRUCIAL, since both provided a Release that tamed the Body and Calmed the Mind.

1 comment:

  1. I remember how we practiced pulling hoods up and competing who could get away with sleeping without snoring and being caught durning morning meditation on those cold in heated mornings in winter at the temple, they were a divine moment of deja vu , and jamais vu, the inter penetration of the profane and sacred , our first unwitting attempt to realizing the the avatamasaka sutra,,, oh the joy of the Buddha fields we sat in ,witness the witlessness of genuine not knowing, the sound of inner laughter is roaring in silence, lol
