Thursday, October 14, 2021

Split ting


        I was "So Excited" I could neither write nor study yesterday mainly because of the nu "swintec 2500".  All I could do was get outdoors.  I unloaded all the stock I got from Tim, put the bunk bed frame together and sort the lumber.  Still, that wasn't enough to dissipate the X-Citement, I couldn't sit still~~ so I loaded the Toyota with the slash that was drying on the patio.  The `Original Plan` for THAT was to process each limb inside the cargo area so I wouldn't hafta sweep and blowup the patio.  Instead, I tucked all of in thereby creating a MOUNTAIN of branches, limbs,, leaves,,, and sticks.  Hideous, to say the least, to say the most, RIDICULOUSLY Ignorant.  When I finish THIS effort I THINK i'm gonna get the 26 inch Dolmar and REDuce the mass so that I can add an appropriate amount of Weight to the feather load onboard now.  

This morning's Effort is `off of` a few days ago, when I resigned myself to describe the Dual Qualities of Motion Meditation and Seated Meditation.  I hadta let that 'sit' for a couple of days because I don't trust myself ENOUGH to figure I'd accomplished my so-called 'private ends'.  Private because the trope I used was Mechanical in Nature==that of the "Hi-Lo" Split Shift of Big Truck Transmissions ; the Mechanism that Splits each Gear into Hi and Lo "Ranges" thereby making 5 Gears  Ten.  It made Perfect sense to MEEEEE but now seems                              Impractical.  We're gonna go with a far more Classical Approach.

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