Monday, October 4, 2021

Emptiful Limit-Ness

         Each ex-PLOSIONS was producing Concussive Force---not only that,,  but Lightning was striking each eyeball---I SWEAR I could smell both Retinas burning.  As this This was Bomb-Ming me into an Eternity of  "Just Now" Infamy --I heard That Voice, the One of "Ya got some PLAN do ya ?" ~~~ he was snarling, "Anybody SHOOTIN at ya ?"  No.  No one was shooting at me.  I fought to catch my breath.

        There's a Scene in "Limitless" which accurately depicts a 'Condition' in which the `ALL` of Received Information, that of Education, Socialization and Personal Research is "made available" to the Conscious Mind, NOT as "helter-skelter" Clusterfuck Gibberish, but as the Sophisticated Refinement of A-B-C 1-2-3 ORDER in the same vein as the Dewey Decimal System WITHOUT its MASSIVE Cumbersome Totality.  It is said that the now Famous Teslar had Such Access to this Realm of Universal Information [Data Stream] Authority.  Generally this Access is DENIED the Un-Initiated, it is kept Hidden by a Cloak of Intellectual Invisibility because of BECAUSE.  I gotta tell yaz,  I HATE that 'BECAUSE'.  The Book could LITERALLY "Write itself" had I  Access to this Invisible Realm.  

Truth be told, NO FUCKING WAY.  Therefore I suffer and I Suffer Greatly ---  But  as the Old Senex spat,  "Aint nobody shootin at ya".  Mercy >>>>>>>>>>>>   I'll take it  and BOW in Gratitude.


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