Thursday, October 14, 2021


         Those  of  Us  who   `Carry Steel` have  been  exposed  to  a  Judgement  of   'Subversive Criminality'  by (Religionistic)  Seated Zen Zealots whose apparition-al understanding views the Use of Sword as a Weapon of Heinous VIOLENCE.   This 'understanding' is produced by sheer and utter IGNORANCE at best, at worst,, Predatory DELUSION  I must remind you Kidz,  the Eminent Kung Fu Master Taught,  "The Study of Martial Arts is for Spiritual reinforcement but this reinforcement MANIFESTS as Self-Defense. "  They have deceived themselves by their Condescending and Elitist Belief that Sitting Zen is Superior to Motion Meditation and WORSE,,, that Sword is even a Weapon 'to begin with'.  

I offer what Zen and Sword Master Tesshu supplied , 

 "Swordsmanship should lead to the heart of things where one can directly confront Life and Death." 

Tw o Words to the so-called  Classicists    FUCK YOUZE GUYS !

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