Tuesday, October 26, 2021

"I" - Dentification

         What follows are excerpts from a scholarly tract I may never write.  No matter.  I am loathe to value my own discrimination(s) finding them criminal atbest*atworst subjective parings from stolen and forbidden fruits of Someone Else's Toil.  The Quest for Currency and Relevance is particularly Cruel for someone such as myself, whose Adamantine Wish is for Diamond Clarity and a Vibratory Harmonic -- a Both that presents as Intelligence from a Cozmic Order--- It is the Cruelty of The Promise of Pure Intention denied by Conditional Actuality which then results in a `Grasping` for anything that can promote Significant Understanding, which itself may obscure Comprehension and of course neutralize Apprehension.  

        Elsewhere I have attributed the Failure of Zen Buddhism to establish Itself in the United States because on its stubborn insistence on relying upon its Ancient Traditions to OVERPOWER existing Thought Constructs, Political Ideologies and Religious Psycho-Dynamic Perversions.  Clearly, 'What-worked-in-the-Past' has produced only nominal Advance.  Here's the Deal ==  In America, what establishes and maintains Identity is that of "Celebrity", brilliantly Recognized by Pirsig in his Masterpiece.  Celebrity arises from "I"-dentification  --  Folks I-dentifiy themselves with an Individual or Mental Construct that ACTS as Mirror .  Folks see themselves in this Mirror and they LIKE what they see.  Here it is where Cinema and Pop Culture in their Most General Aspects, provide AFFIRMATION to one's own Existence thereby establishing the Authority of "I AM".  "I see myself on TV and in the Movies therefore I AM.  

        Hold onto the Concept of Mirror as you continue reading.



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