Friday, December 1, 2023

"All brawn and NO brain"

                              `Militant Idealism` professes the need for Political Maternalism* -- the so-called "Cradle to Grave" "Care" that is recognized in Democratic {{Socialist}} Nations such as Canada .   If you've followed the Political Path of Venezuela and Brazil you know that Corruption can derail ANY "Cradle to Grave" 'train'.   Here it is where "Lofty Ideals" are clearly No Match for Street and Gutter Savagery -- the 'ways' of Animal Instinctual-ism gone the way of Power Mongery* .   Here it is where the Idea of Utopia gets inundated by the 'wash' of Tribal Jungle-ism and "The Rule of Law" is displaced by the "Law of the Jungle" .   Here it is where "Civilization" and ITS antecedents are discarded as "Irrelevant and Insignificant" since no one can eat Ideas and in the Jungle, "Only the Strong Survive" .   

            Obviously Maternal-ism stands in DIRECT Opposition to Paternalism .  {I mean it SHOULDN'T since the Body Politic, the "only child" of Paternal and Maternal ISM would benefit their offspring GREATLY if the two "Parents" were to unite in Obligational* Authority--- the one BEST suited for the Growth and Maturation of said Child} .   Democrats are viewed as Weak by the republican Paternalists and this Weakness is surely correctly perceived as "Feminine" in nature .   We USE TO remark, "Women are the Weaker Sex" .   Indeed, males have a MUSCULAR 'advantage' over females but that quasi Superiority ENDS with that .


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