Monday, December 11, 2023

Pipe Lions

                              This thought 'arrived' :   `There ain't gonna be no Victory for Ukraine` .   I sat with that for some time .   Permutations arrived,,,  laden with Futuristic Possibilities , none of them desirable .   I felt irritation due to the unremitting unintelligence* of Media News Projectionists ... but 'it' wasn't just them ----  .   I have Faith in the BIG Brains and SUPER-Bigs, a Faith in their access to Inside and Insider Information .   Accessing and then UNDERSTANDING the Political Machinations of Administrative and Governmental Conditions-as-Policies gives them the RIGHT to inform the Public with their HONEST Interpretations of  "Cause and Effect" .   These heart-felt and HONEST Interpretations have GREAT Value as Illuminative Devices that reveal Political Science {   }  Secrets .    BUT     there  are NO Secrets to DIRECT Knowledge of Conditions AS THEY PRESENTLY EXIST .   

            The   European  Union  {where Union qualifies as NATION}  NEEDS  Russian  fuels  to  EXIST !!!!!

             There can be no Defeat of Russia since the Defeat of Russia {and here Russia IS Putin} because Russia can, AT ANY TIME, 'close the valves' of the very pipelines that supply the fuels that maintain European Existence .   'Closing the valves" is the same as applying a tourniquet to the veins and arteries of the European Body Politic .   Should this THIS transpire, the Suffering would be UNTOLD .

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