Tuesday, December 5, 2023

In God We Rust

                             On all our paper currency and metallic "Pindar Disks" we have "In God We Trust" .   Here it is where American HYPOCRISY can NOT be "Overstated" since where is to be found the so-called SEPAR ATION of Church [God] and State ???    The BRILLIANT   Marshall McLuhan  proclaimed, "The Medium IS the Message" [where currency is the Medium of Exchange] .  The Degeneration of the "Separ ation of Church and State" has {INEVITABLY} led to MONEY  as  {recondite} SYMBOL of God Power .   Here now, THERE IS NO SEPAR ATION .   Divine Authority 'gives way' to MONETARY Authority and if we substitute Power for  Authority  it  sharpens  the View , clarifying  the  Vision  of  God  the  Almighty  as  MONEY  the Almighty .   Here we find this :   Worshiping GOD is Worshiping MONEY .   

            Take a look :   In Money We Trust .

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