Monday, December 4, 2023

Unconditional Shove

                             We've yet to hear ANYBODY employ the term "Unconditional Love" to Trumpian Zealots, Fanatics Ne'er-do-wells, Sociopaths, "blunt skulls", knuckle draggers*, Red Necks and Evangelical Blasphemers .   I employ it here simply because it suits the Socio-Political Environment with a somewhat callus ease .   GENERALLY a Mother's Love IS ---> Unconditioned and that Unconditioning* CAN manifest as a Mother's Will to SACRIFICE her own Life should her offspring be threatened by DEADLY Forces .   A Mom will DIE to protect her offspring and so it is with 'die-for' Trumpist who would WILLINGLY Sacrifice their own lives to advance their Father's [Sociopathic*] `Agenda ` .     

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