Sunday, December 10, 2023

"Angel Dust"

                              The other day I heard static from my JBL's .   Not good .   I cleaned the CD ---no change .   What remained ?   The CD player came into view, it's so old I don't know when I bought it .  I figured --it's time had come .   I had an Equalizer connected to it and the Amp but I gave THAT no more thought,,,, I convinced myself it was my fav CD Player .

            It took HOURS to disconnect the units so that I could PROPERLY test them .   It took HOURS because when you move shit about you gotta CLEAN and VAC every square (fucking) inch after having first paintbrushed* the entire area .   Of course where you stand is also cleared, cleaned and in most cases bleached , so -- I mean -- there's THAT .  There are also  "NASA" "Holds" .  These 'Holds'  are MANDATORY because when you stop to rest there are ALWAYS things that require INDUSTRIAL Consideration .    Generally the 'Holds' are Pirsigian in Nature, meaning I just "sit and stare" .   I am constantly AMAZED at the results this sitting produces .   

           Outwardly I must appear to be resting , but I don't like that, instead I tell myself that I am "Conducting thought experiments" vis-a-vis Tesler .   Remember kids, "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down."  {{ Oh how bless-ed it is to live the Lie}} .

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