Monday, December 4, 2023

"Toxic Parents"

                              Dr. Allen Wheelis in his How People Change recounts one summer of his childhood that was spent cutting the family's lawn with a straight edge razor !   When he had accomplished that "task" he asked his father what was next .   His father simply stated, "Start again" .  What kind of parent would ask for such a Herculean Effort from a small son ?  

            Some of you may have questioned my negative bias toward the Father .   Remember all those 'Issues' I have ?   The Father Issue is perhaps the most egregious .   Here it is where Issues of the Sub and Un Conscious 'surface' through intellectual exposition .   Elsewhere I have contended that beneath the vibrant superficiality of Reality there are Forces , sometimes DARK Forces,, that prompt our perceptual Reality and act as horse blinders to keep us on the Path of the "Straight and Narrow", the one of familial and societal Duty and Obligation .   We have a duty and [some would argue] Obligation to be Obedient Sons and Daughters even when that Obedience reeks of "Good Slave"         {        }         adherence .   



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