Sunday, December 3, 2023

Remember that Film , "Deliverance" ?

                              The Psychological visage of 'trump-as father' MUST be addressed IFF the Nation as Body / Mind Politic is to be 'freed' of the "Spell" {Curse} of the BIG Lie .    [[[ Consider reading , Breaking the Spell That Binds You by  { X }, People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck,  Necessary Losses by Judith Viorst, and my personal fav, Toxic Parents ---Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life, by Dr. Susan Forward and Craig Buck ]]] .     The Lines of Demarcation between trump-the- Father and GOD-the-Father have CLEARLY been BLURRED in the most heinous manner -- such is the Nature of the Human Psyche that seeks PEACE in a World of Sensory Bombardment and {unrelenting} Emotional Turmoil .    ALL the Attributes of a PERFECT Father have been assigned to trump in a seeming clandestine desire for UNASSAILABLE "Deliverance" .     ALL his shortcomings, psychological deformities,,  flaws and CRIMINAL Dispositions are regarded  as INSIGNIFICANT when the Micro-Cosmos of Self and Selves is manifested in the Realm of Personal Grievance .   

           Huey Lewis and his News reports :  "We seen this movie, it don't end nice."

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