Monday, December 11, 2023

Bliss Dairy


                             It's almost BALMY outdoors, perhaps one of the last late Spring days we will experience for some time .   They told us to expect a Wind Storm with drenching downpours ~~~  that has NOT transpired .   The warmth is SOOOOOO inviting --- but the rain ---- the rain ... .

            I did my Recitations and sat in Chairy-Chair wandering about for this morning's Topic although completely nestled within Chairy-Chair's embrace ~~~~ .   I have laundry and indoor activities that will bring about Order from Chaos ---  I love that .....  there's Required Reading, Study and even some Research available --------- .   I lifted for the first time in over a year .  The weights I used were mere feathers --- I almost choked on my snide resignation ---  old age sucks and then you get hit in the face with a rusted-out cast iron skillet of Truth .   

            In between thoughts there is the Emptiness that not only Soothes but Heals .   It is written, "Stillness is Bliss" .   There is a Dairy Bar in North Attleboro, Mass .  It's name is Bliss Dairy .  Bliss then becomes Ice Cream .   That Emptiness, the feeling of that Emptiness, it's like eating Ice Cream ........ .



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