Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tunnel Vision

                              If any of you followed Fareed for more than 2 years you would KNOW that  one of the ways in which Gazans and West Bankers were able to obtain foodstuffs and Necessities was via the Black Market which utilized the Tunnels .   Here  it  is  where  Gazans   NEEDED   those  Tunnels  out  of DESPERATION .   Here it is where citizens were EGREGIOUSLY RELUCTANT to "Bite the hand that feeds them" .   If you've seen the tunnels they are concrete structures, meaning, after the digging, concrete forms were used to contain the 'wet' concrete .  This was no "Five Minute Deal".  It takes DAYS for the concrete to harden [cure] , days in which the citizens were ACUTELY aware of the Danger involved should the Jews be 'informed' .   Silence meant the continued flow of Black Market  Necessities .  


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