Sunday, December 3, 2023

"Indecent Proposal"

                              It isn't JUST "The Myth of the BIG Lie" , it's the Myth of Democracy which INCLUDES the "Notion" that America is "Great" or that America was EVER "Great" .    America wants to be viewed as a Self-Sovereign Nation, a Nation 'whole and complete unto itself' .  America is DEPENDENT upon FOREIGN Monies to "bankroll" its Administrative and Governmental Finances .  The Americans BORROW these 'funds' to sustain itself .   The Financial Debt, now registering in the multi-TRILLIONS,, is PROOF of the CHRONIC Fiduciary MALFEASANCE of those responsible for  the Nation's Economic Well-being .   

            America CANNOT "take care of itself" WITHOUT Foreign Monetary "Influence" such is the Nature of The Myth of Financial Security .  And yet, America and Americans consider(s) itself and themselves to be the ULTIMATE Paradigm for Democracy Attribution .   

            Sophistry allows me to cast, The BIG Lie is only PART of the BIGGEST Lie, which is The Myth of Democracy which then can lead us ONLY to ---> AMERICA is the BIG Lie .  


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