Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Foreign Policy of "NO" Foreign Policy

                             I can't help myself :  check this out ;   "Sword of No Sword" `becomes` >>> The Foreign Policy of  NO Foreign Policy <<<  .   I had to chuckle , I LUV when the Ridiculous becomes the Sublime .

            You can see it rite ?   America just can't seem to say "NO !"   Need arms ?  Yes, we have arms .  Need food ?  Yes we have food .  Need an Iron Dome ?  Yes we have your Iron Dome .  It's {seemingly} endless .

            In the "Before Time" Pirates were Terror-frying American Ships and Shipping Lanes .   Free Market Slave Capitalists were SCREAMING for the U.S. Gov TO DO SOMETHING .   The U.S. Navy was born out of LOBBYIST Frenzy .  Out of the abject FINANCIAL Terror-laden CHAOS   ORDER was 'Imposed' .    Now 'we' have Destroyers patrolling the Red Sea, the Med.,  the Suez  among  STRIDENTLY Significant Others .   

            We've come a long way ,  but are we now TOOOOO "Far from Home" ?


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