Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Test of Meant

                             A member of my 'club' > One Flower Zen < asked about the Teachings to which I am devoted .  I gave a lengthy reply using Dogma from the Mahayana .   I figured there'd be at least one response from the other members, sadly, not even one .   "So it goes........"

            I finished this morning's Recitations and sat in Chairy-Chair in Emptiness , while there I saw a possible trajectory of Writing that would begin to record my Journey / Search / Expedition from college to my residence at the Mind Light {Zen Sword} Temple in Boston .   I haven't the Talent nor Ability to author a series of novels as did Hermann Hesse although my Journal Work is modeled after the Infinitely Beautiful Anais Nin bt still I have the [Desire] to submit my Record to the World, a Testament, so to speak, of Life .

            To supply such a Testament is as ancient as the Bible itself, indeed, The Devoted found it necessary to 'leave behind' a Record of one's Devotion to the Father Almighty .   In my instance -- it would NOT be a Testament of Devotion to HIM but rather a Testament of Devotion to the Bless-ed One .   I have written elsewhere, had it not been for Zen I would have committed suicide at worst, and at best been committed to an Insane Asylum .                       So it goes .


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