Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Catcher In The Steppes

                             There's the 'sense' of  'modernization' that MAY befoul his Work -- >that<  MAY occur but I'm NOT-gonna "buy into" it.   I can't .   We must always "keep in Mind" that Hesse underwent Jungian Analysis, and  his  Work  either  reflects  or  echos   Jungian Concepts .   Here it is where Jung's "Process of Individuation" is CLEARLY Expressed by Hesse .   His Search for HIS Soul is OUR Search for OUR Soul .   After Magister Ludi he was awarded the Noble Prize in Literature .  It was RICHLY Deserved .

            We need not "follow in his footsteps" so much as 'follow' his 'Drive' --[where Drive is] the Inner Will that manifests as a tireless outpouring of HIS Characteristics, {attributes, shortcomings and Resolve} found within the Characters he 'supplied' in his novels .   Indeed, his Life IS his novels .  How GREAT {SUPER-TERRIFIC} is THAT ?

            Here we find this :   "Seeing into one's self, and the attainment of Buddha-hood".


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