Friday, December 29, 2023

Miss Treatment or Chronic Infundibula

                             One of my Heroes is Brett Butler of "Grace Under Fire" Fame .    In an interview she defended her Alcoholism by brandishing "I was a drunk for a long time, and I NEEDED every drop ."   Been there, been her .

            I figured to mate John Barleycorn to Miss Treatment and would depict Miss Treatment in the likes of Brett Butler [not her birth name] .

            Believe me when I tell you I suckled at the tit of Miss Treatment -- DESPITE the FACT that I KNEW   her to be a shape-shifting   WITCH .   It didn't matter -- I NEEDED  her 'milk' while KNOWING it  was  Poison  and  that  it  was   KILLING   me .        ...such is the True Nature of that Disease .

            It is my wish to supply  an Alcohol Warning to all those who seek the Truth of Universal yet Singular Identity {" I " Dentity } .   

            I must leave this here for Now .               

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