Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Desperate-ism = Desperatism

                              It's now time to arrest my digressions .   Today's Consideration was SUPPOSE-TA-BE not only a rebuke of Joe for his Ciceronian* `baloney` but also to make  >>  The Case for   The Support of Ukrainian War Necessities which INVOLVES America's true ABSENCE of ANY Foreign Policy {like} AT ALL.   

            Exactly , what IS the "Case" for 'The Support of Ukraine' ?   We are told that Supporting Ukraine is "In America's Best Interest" - that, If Putin is not STOPPED , then he will simply continue onward onto once Russian Territories and Lands thereby subjugating MILLIONS to Putinism barely cloaked by the term Despotism .   I mean, what the fuck are we ACTUALLY 'looking at' ?

            I wish I could write, "History does not lie" ---we KNOW that ain't True , not only does the Victor get the Spoils, but the Victor 'gets' to record the WINNER'S HISTORY OF EVENTS .    We must hold the "achievements" of Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Mohammed Ali, and the Russian Czars --   ALL of whom had Global {Psychotic} Ambitions to a degree of Scrutiny that literally "brands" them with the Sign of Despotism .  Thing is , look at China NOW -- a COMMUNIST Nation wherein its Peoples are almost DYING for Intellectual and Scientific FREEDOM .   Here it is where 'Freedom' can be partially defined by "Free Will" otherwise addressed as 'Self Sovereignty' .  It is this FUNDAMENTAL Desire, that is the Existential Incentive [incentive is too weak] /  Motivation for Ukrainians .   But how is that OUR "Cross to bear" ?????

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