Monday, December 4, 2023

Piccadilly Circus

                              Currently, we have a deep and PROFOUND Opportunity to explore the Realm of  Paternalism as it relates to Authoritarianism, Fascism, Confederatism*, Nazi-ism* and Despotism .   This Opportunity should NOT be taken lightly nor for granted .   

            Good, honest and decent BIG and Super BIG {and even the SUPER BIGS} have struggled to identify the 'reasons' for Trumpist Zealotry and have submitted the grotesque laziness of "We just don't know WHY these  `folks` find trump to be the ULTIMATE 'expression' of their minds, hearts and souls ."   This 'failure' is due [largely in part] to Ignorance of the PSYCHOLOGICAL   Constructs that govern both thought and action .   I contend that this Failure resides within Political Science itself .   [The use of 'Political SCIENCE' itself is SOOOO fucking RICH .]   Science is SUPPOSE-TO-BE devoid of Subjectivity and CLEARLY Political Science is nothing BUT arduous Subjectivity that reflects ALL the Emotions and PASSIONS that Human Interaction and Social Intercourse encompasses .   

            Chris Pratt portrays a charming dolt in "Parks and Recreation".  He's working in London and visits "Piccadilly Circus" .   He complains to his chick, "Some circus, there wasn't even any elephants."

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