Saturday, December 2, 2023

"Deaf, Dumb,, and Blind". . .

                              It was a mistake to introduce Maternalism* at this juncture, I apologize .   

            This days-long Consideration is SUPPOSE-TO-BE about addressing "die-for" trumpists ---those who would give their life for trump and Trumpism in their Effort to annihilate Democracy and replace it with Trumpian Dystopia all in the 'name' of "Make America Great Again" .   We must conclude that "turning" die-hard `die-fors` is ritually and CLINICALLY Impossible .   They BELIEVE in the Father ALMIGHTY, trump, and this Belief CANNOT be assailed .   

            Religious Fervor is DEVOID of Ethics, Morals and Mores ---look at the Crusades [[ all in the name of "Make Christianity and Mohammedanism Great Again" ]] .   Zealotry, in ALL its WORST manifestations, is found in Religious Structures and the Global Planetary Political  'Continuum' .   We speak of "Blind Rage" and the similarity in Zealotism* must not be ignored .   Rage blinds, Zealotry blinds .  

            Just because it is Impossible to 'turn' trumps' zealots that DOESN'T mean we can avoid nor escape the abject NECESSITY to NEUTRALIZE the Hatred that Zealotry embodies .    The question remains, "How ?" .

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