Wednesday, December 27, 2023


                              I didn't have to 'wonder' about Hermann Hesse and his ties to the   'bourgeois' life {style} .       I could see myself in his Works -- no that's not quite right --  I could see, feel and hear myself in his Words .      Hesse supplied a drugged out version of 'Divine Union with the Inner Female' {his 'Anima' } Hermine .   It's an age old Classic -- that of an Aging Soul finding youth and vitality within the serious context of a playful Damsel whose goal it is to free him from societal restrictions and mental consideration that obstruct a True Awakening an awakening that actually would 'eventuate'* in his Magister Ludi [ The Glass Bead Game ] .

            Hesse managed to attend to the I Ching  something that not only altered my life but TRANSFORMED me in the utmost Significant way .   Thing is, after years away from College and University Scholasticism, I figured that with my Zen Sword Training, and studies in Buddhism, I could offer [supply] a Continuation of Hesse's {      ...      } `Program` {for lack of a better term}.  Also, and "not for nothin'" I figured to augment his Program by introducing Zen into his Expressions of Art, [found in Narcissus and Goldmund] .  {I mean, there's arrogance and then there's ARROGANCE} .

             Hesse recognized that TRUE Art could be found in ALL the Trades and Crafts --- that TRUE Trade and Craftsmen WERE, in fact,  Artists .   I dearly LOVE him for that .

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