Sunday, December 3, 2023


                              Normally I wouldn't continue this Consideration because the threshold of AT LEAST  3 Readers has not been reached--- but this morning I WILL continue ---Please forgive and old man .

            I LOVE "Living the American Lie" ,[which is]  The Promise of Eternal Utopia, the Heavenly `measure` of the Earthly --->  "Promise of Perfection" .   "X-Files" Champion "Muldar" had a poster of a UFO in his office, the caption read, "I WANT TO BELIEVE" .   So it is with me for BOTH !

            Buddhist "Quantum Mechanics" insists on the adherence to "Arising, Stability, Decline, Dissolution" .   We, as in America, are at the Stage of Dissolution {Dis Solution} .   America must "die" ---in a PSYCHOLOGICAL Sense--- in order to be Reborn .    Edmund S. Morgan titled his Text , The Birth of the Republic, I will title the next book I will never write, "The RE-BIRTH of the Republic" with special emphasis on ---> "Public" .  I am {contractually} Opposed to the terms, "Revolution and Reformation" although "Reformation" [to be RE-Formed} is the gentlest term to apply for WHOLESALE TRANS-FORMATION .   Democracy needs to be modified in the GRANDEST Sense of Modify and here "RECLAMATION" [ to be RE 'Claimed'] offers another alternative 'measure' of Understanding .   {Democracy needs to RECLAIM its Birth Essences DESPITE the "infant auto-eroticisms*" of Utopic Perfection . I'm  jus' sayin' .}




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