Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Church Lurch

                              Yesterday afternoon I learned that trump's mind-tentacles had reached into the soul of the Evangelical Body Politic so much so that they now consider him their Savior NOT in the Messianic Sense but as SAVE YOUR --the Earthly Presence of a someone who would SAVE their 'Church' from the grasp and clutches of American Political Future-ism* .   The parallels between this particular Construct and that of the 'Ists' in Confederism* [Neo-Confederate Insurrectionists] is WAAAAAY Beyond "Disturbing" .   

            Both of these {       } "Tribes"  are now aligned with Muslims whose HATRED of ANY Future governs their 'day-to-day' Reality .   Here it is where we can 'see' the American Civil War as a Socio-Religio CRUSADE .  Evangelical FEAR that America and all its governing and administrative bodies and Institutions will relegate Christianity to a "Side-show" in the Circus of Life , thereby rendering it BARELY Significant in the Overall GENERAL Political "Orthodoxy" of  American Constitutionalism ,, the one that  DEMANDS  a  "Separ  ation of Church and State" .    


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