Wednesday, December 27, 2023

"From the Temple Steps"

                              The Goal of the "Process of Individuation" is this :  "To be whole and complete unto one's self " .   Know this :   Dr. Joseph Campbell's    Hero With A Thousand Faces IS the Definitive Text on Jung's "Process of Individuation" .   Jung's Work is FRAUGHT with German Intellection*, German Philosophies, and Biblical References that lead one to be stymied .   Not only does Campbell minimize the Stymie he actually modifies it by incorporating Classical Greek Mythology and best of all --- he employs various Aspects of Buddha's Mahayana AND Children's Literature in order to secure "Familiarity" .   

            It's NOT  " as if  " I am ignoring Buddha's "8-Fold Nobel Path", it's that in the Effort to neutralize Suffering EVERYTHING must be considered to be `On the Table` Worthy .  

            Recall the First Noble Truth :  "All Existence entails Suffering" .

            To be an Individual MEANS to {be able to} manage Suffering and all its Manifestations .

            This is where I live .

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