Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Stench Warfare

                              When certain events of the Ukrainian Revolution were being broadcast I was taken by an event that occurred in the "dead of night"  .   It was 3 or 4 in the morning and the "Masses" had assembled to protest the VICIOUSLY Corrupt Pres and his Gov .   The response of the Gov was to train fire-hoses  on the Protesters and saturate them in the ARCTIC Cold.   The Protesters STOOD THEIR GROUND while bellowing FUCK YOU !!!   Their RIGHTEOUS Defiance changed my Life .   Then and there I pledged my Allegiance to Ukrainian DEMOCRATIC Self Sovereignty .   These are Folks you WANT "On your Side"  Now and Forever .

            This was no "Boston Tea Party" but the INTENTION was as crystal clear .   Oppression would NOT be Tolerated  and                      They were willing to DIE for their Freedom .  2 words, Fuck and one half !!!!!!!!!

Rock steady ........ Steady az She goze ....                   

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