Saturday, December 30, 2023

Arete R ray tay


                             I've been watching College Football because it's the "Bowl Season" and the teams are evenly matched, affording Justice in a metered way .    These are young Men --  an "Early Man" so to speak ,  Individuals who manifest their Fate, Karma and Destiny by engaging in Combat Sport .    During one play instance, this arrived, "Arete" .   Arete is a Greek word and translates [for some] as "Virtue" and [for Scholarly Others], "Personal Excellence" .   

             I extracted the following passages from Kitto's, The Greeks -- a 'required reading' for Dr. Ward's "Ancient Greece " Class , {which I had to petition in order to gain entry} .  

                                                           The Soul of the Homeric Hero

                              What moves him to deeds of Heroism is not a sense of Duty as we understand it - Duty towards others ;  it is rather Duty towards himself .   (my italics)    

                               Arete inplies a respect for Wholeness or Oneness of Life, and a consequent dislike of specialization .   It implies a contempt for efficiency -- or rather a much higher idea of efficiency :   an efficiency which exists not in one department of Life, but Life itself .

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