Sunday, December 10, 2023

"Welcome To The Monkey House"

                             Meanwhile --  back at the Monkey Patch -- I was going through the [now] incessant emotional turbulence over the loss of my fav CD, a Sony XE 400 .   According to Google it was manufactured in 1996 but only for 6  months .   I mean IT'S OLD .   Thing is, everything about it is BEAUTIFUL .  So ---  I mean --- there's THAT .   The cleaning and clearing normally aids in the assimilation of unwanted thinking ,  but attachments can become Demons and this one was groWING .

            I conducted the first test in the Music and Poetry Salon .   Guess what .   Yup -- it WASN'T the Sony, it was the Equalizer  a Sony SEQ 120 .  Again, according to Google, it was manufactured from 1980 to 1989 .   The serial number reads 864570 so I will assume the date of manufacture was 1986 .   You want old ??? 

            The thing about Equalizers is that they can respond to the conditions of the room .   Even though my Cave walls are laden with books, the high end [treble] can offend my old man ears .   I can soften the upper octaves with the Equalizer .   I KNOW the Amp has Treble and Bass Response but the Equalizer can target SPECIFIC octaves .   [But I digress ...]

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