Wednesday, December 6, 2023

"The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test"


                              I am unwilling to proceed any further .    Cheney's conviction that Trumpism is a "Cult of Personality" is proof of a Campbellian "Restricted Consciousness" --- so be it .    

            I may regret leaving you with the very Romance I so dearly loathe but other Topics have become vise-like pressures .   The title of this blog is from a Tom Wolfe quasi-biography / History of Ken Kesey, author  of  [most-notably] One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and [less notably] Sometimes A Great Notion  .    

            Here goes :                                                 The Bus

            "There are going to be times" , says Kesey, " when we can't wait for somebody .  Now, you're either on the bus or off the bus .  If you're on the bus and you get left behind, then you'll find it again .  If you're off the bus in the first place---then it just won't make a damn ."

             Wolfe qualifies :   The World was simply and sheerly* divided into the "aware" i.e., those that had the experience of being vessels of the divine, and a great mass of the "unaware", the "unmusical", the un-attuned" .   Or, "You're either on the bus or off the bus" .  Consciously the "aware" were never snobish toward the "unaware", but in fact most of the great jellyfish blobs of straight souls looked like helpless cases -------- .  But these groups [of the Aware] treated anyone who showed possibilities, who was a potential brother, with generous solicitude ."

Rock steady........Steady az She goze ... .

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