Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Pound of Music

                              So ~~~I feel compelled to write about an incident that occurred just the other day but one of 'editors' hit me with, "You are glamorizing Geriatric Imbecility" .   The thing about glamorizing Geriatric Imbecility is that its phuqing* phunny* .  I useta* do 'playful' on a regular basis, indeed, there was a stretch where I did Sunday Funnies for my Twitter column but with the War in Ukraine and now the War in Israel it seems not only inappropriate but callus as well .   Still , I was plagued by a sense of Duty, that somewho it was my phuqing DUTY to inform you of the inner workings of my tiny monkey brain since there ARE times when I work like a "stoned monkey" ,  fussing and fidgeting with small matters that drive me to NUTS .   

            In order to write I need the entire 'Cave' to be in Order -- I don't mind if it needs dusting and a kwik vac, as long as the desk is clear and  Angels would DARE to enter .   In order to exercise I NEED the Tools' Room Ordered , the floor vacked* and ALL tools in their home locations .   I NEED to Focus on the muscles being worked and distractions caused by laziness and sloth become SUPER-DEMONIC .   

           But to return ...   I am an audiophile in the BEST 'sense' of the term .   I try and DEVOTE myself to listening to Music at it's HIGHEST Level [pun intended] .   I  describe  'it'  as  'mining for gold'   in that lyrics {for me] contain Gems and  Nuggets of  Wisdom that aid in the delivery of Truth .   

           Rogers and Hammerstein said it best, "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down ."

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