Tuesday, December 26, 2023

"Art" of Darkness

                             My middle name is Art , hence the title .

            Fortin once described himself as being outside {the scope and measure of} Time .   I `surface` this only because I have issues that 'stem' from my birth {"Born under a bad sign"} .   One of these issues is a careful disregard of a Linear [Time] Perspective .  Unlike Marc, however, I find myself [at times] a fucking SLAVE to the Concrete and Granite of Time, {where things are "Written in {by} Stone" .   Here it is where ANY 'starting point' is Relative to my moods and feelings of the Time at which I tend to desk-chair and laptop .   

            I wish it could be different ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .

            I run the risk of Glamorizing Suffering -------  to Romantic-size my Journey by supplying parallels to Sisyphus, Prometheus, and most importantly, Hephaestus - God of the Forge .   That shit is all ROMANCE but it supplies a context through which my Unconscious can be expressed .   

            Here is the ULTIMATE 'Glamorization' of Suffering :   "I Suffer, therefore I am."


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