Friday, December 29, 2023

"Bush beans" .

                              We've been taught : "The Spirit of God is within" .   Buddhists Believe :  "Within each of us is a Buddha ."   Jung insisted that within each of us lies a "Diamond".  The "Diamond" is a 'Force' of Creativity which is singular to the Individual .   In the exact same way that we are all Jesus, that we are all Buddha, Jung Believed we are all Artists .   Dr. Joseph Campbell amPLIFIED* this {   ...   } Teaching.

            The Socio-Political Manifestation of this Teaching is the American Belief that ANYONE could be President of the United States .   I consider this THIS a psychotic DELUSION despite the FACT that it is True -- anyone  CAN  be President since titularity* is a common Practice [where 'practice' is actually 'foible'] {where 'foible' is indeed, the "weakest part of a Sword"} .   Bush the Stupid is best example .  Bush once bragged, "I am living Proof that even a C- student can become President of the United States" . 

            When the 'trappings' and `warpings`   of my Ministry are jettisoned, one will detect an altruistic Trajectory which has as its Goal ,  a Democratic Socialism that itself registers as a Utopic Vision of Conditioned Perfection .  Clearly one of the Pre-Requisites is an Educated, Informed Individual, who actualizes within him or her self  an Ethics and Morality foundationed* upon the Principles of Equality and Justice , a "Shared Commonality" that {weirdly} manifests as "I AM my Brother and Sister's Keeper".

            Remember the 3 Musketeers ?   "All for One , One for all ."    "It"  is   that .

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