Friday, December 29, 2023

"john barleycorn must die"

                             From that album Winwood suffers unto us this  :   "...his hands are torn and bloodied, from the scratching of his Soul ..."    Such is the True Nature of {Divine} Introspection .   Before I embarked on my own "Inward Journey" Dr. Ken Ring wrote me, "You must go as far as your Courage and Discrimination can take you ."    ...and then there are these Words :  "Ain't nothin' easy " .

            Know this :  the "Process of Individuation" and the "Inner Trip of the Hero" are One in the Same .  Here it is where Zen's "Looking into one's self " becomes an abject Necessity  if one is to Awaken to Transformative* Regeneration, that is depicted as Change-For-The Better .   Here it is where Spirituality ascends to its Rightful {Full of Right-Ness} Position in the Psyche of the Individual .   Heretofore 'Qualified Altruism' becomes Universal in Scope and Measure --  here it is where the Individual's Conscious-Ness" becomes capable of "Subsuming the Universe" .   This "Subsumation*" is what guarantees TOLERANCE of all that is Cruel and Atrocious, the Somethings* that "The Maker of All Things"  'supplies' to Sentient Beings {"For Better AND For Worse"} .                        

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