Wednesday, December 13, 2023

"And the wind cries..."

                         What are "we" doing in Ukraine ?   What are we doing in Israel ?  What are we doing at the Southern Border ?   

            Rosa Brooks, [ How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything] reports that there are in excess of 900 "outposts" in Africa {and around the World} .   You must ask, 'Is the Mil determining Foreign Policy ?  

            Yesterday aft Biden was `backed up against the wall` when asked,"What IS America's Foreign Policy regarding Ukraine and Israel ?"   He spoke some words that deflected the Question .

             And what of Taiwan ?   Joe said he would "support" Taiwan in its attempts to deter China's Efforts at a `Hostile Take-over` (my words) .

             Jimi Hendrix asked it best, "Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand ?"

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