Sunday, September 12, 2021

"Book him Dan-O"

 It was time.  Marc reached into his bag and removed a black file folder.  I eyed it with ominous suspicion.  "I have this".  What is it ?  "It's the 'Manual for KUDK Instructors' ".  He set it on his lap.  I waited.

He'd given it to several Others--- BIG Brains and SUPER BIG Brains----in the Hope of having them work his -------------------- Material -- into Readable Text.  They had declined.  One Editor told him, "You can't write".  Marc had responded with, "I know"---the Editor rejoined, "No, you REALLY can't write."  

I was still waiting.

What are you gonna do with it ?  "Well----that's why I'm here.  I want you to write it up as a Book."  When I didn't respond he tried to entice with, "We can be Co-Authors".  

I leafed through the file.  To my ASTONISHMENT and DISMAY I saw paragraphs of Material I had already summarily REJECTED.  All he had done was double-space the typing.  It was the Same clusterfuck gibberish only neatly presented.  I shook my head,    Are you fucking kidding me ?  
"I'll pay you 15 hundred".  I snapped back More like 10 THOUSAND.  KING GRAND in Street Parlance.  He feigned Surprise but kwikly agreed. He agreed SOOOO kwikly I sed, I will need cash for expenses that will NOT be included as part of the `King`.  He nodded.  I continued -- and all the Rigging stuff you have already Given me will NOT be considered as "Monies Up Front". "Of course".

 A Book Deal-----------------------------------go figure.

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