Sunday, September 26, 2021


 The title of the Book is   Sword and The Arts  ---  Utilizing the Power of Zen Beauty.    As I stared into Perfect Space MYYYYY  >`Apparent`<  presented itself.    NOT Sword, but Marc's Zen Gardens came into Focus as PROMINENT and PRO-FOUND.   I settled back into Chairy-Chair's Muse Embrace.  I knew WHY the Universe had `Iron Wall` stalled me.   The "Light" of  KUDK  had blinded me.

I have only a "sense" of why Zen Masters resort to Expressions of Poetry to encapsulate their  Experience of Enlightenment.  These Expression are RAMPANT throughout the History of Zen.  I REVEL in these Expressions, Their Works ADORN my shelves.  Zen Master Seung Sahn is no different.  His Bone Of Space transmits the Energies of the Universe in such a manner that SNARES one's attention with GAPING Vacuity, a Vacuity of Receptivity REQUIRED if Conscious-Ness is to be e---x---p---a---n---d---e---d enough to ACCEPT Universal Operations.

Here, you know, it AINT   JUST   Poetry that is the `SOUL` ASPECT of Mind to Mind Transmission >>> No and FUCK NO.  Here, the Results of Sword Training MANIFESTS as Zen Gardening, Design and Manufacture.  Here, Master Fortin's  Breath-Taking BEAUTY is such that Celestial Beings BOW.

Yup            It's THAT.


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